Migraine Treatment

We all have had them. Whether it caught you in cold weather, before bed, or when you're hungry...they don't feel the best. The reassuring thing is, although migraines bring us excruciating pain, they are treatable!

According to Mayoclinic.org, migraines usually bring a severe throbbing ache or a pulsing sensation. This typically happens on a single side of the head. Nausea and extreme sensitivity to light and sound follows when experiencing a migraine. As the experts at Mayo Clinic note, the headaches can last hours to days depending on the person. It can also interfere with your daily life.

There are many things that can trigger a migraine. For women, you may find that you experience migraines when hormonal changes occur. Fluctuations in estrogen, pregnancy, periods, etc. all ignite migraines. Alcohol, coffee, stress, bright lights, sleep changes, food, weather changes and more also can trigger them.

What else can cause migraines? The reasons on why migraines are caused appear to have a lot to do with environmental factors and genetics. Research suggests changes in the brainstem and trigeminal nerve play a role. Imbalances of chemicals in the brain (serotonin - regulates pain in nervous system) are also a link.

Migraines often go undiagnosed and untreated. It is recommended that if you have them consistently you keep a log of the attacks and how you went about alleviating the pain before seeing a doctor. It is not recommended that you consistently take painkillers for migraines. Overuse of medication is never good and may trigger differ health related problems.

If you are experiencing severe migraines, you can also get an MRI done which uses radio waves to take pictures of blood vessels and the brain. This will give the doctor a good idea of what's going on your brain (if there are tumors, bleeding, infections, etc.) Also, a CT scan, which uses X Rays to scan the brain and create images. These images allow the doctor to see where the problem is occurring.

If you would rather a more natural route than taking over the counter or prescription drugs, there are several options. Relaxation techniques, staying hydrated, a good sleeping and eating routine and regular exercise can also reduce the number of headaches one has. Acupuncture, inserting needles in critical points of the body has also been shown to reduce headaches.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is another great option. This type of therapy educates you on how your thoughts affect how you perceive pain. Herbs, vitamins and minerals all work well with reducing migraines. The top foods to treat migraines include orange, yellow and green vegetables, brown rice and dried or cooked fruits.

The best thing to do in the situation of a migraine is to not panic! Understand that the pain may eventually pass but keep a close eye on patterns. This will help your doctor pinpoint much easier how to help. A large part of migraine treatment is choosing to be proactive and alert! Whether you are taking over the counter pills, exercising or going to therapy, remember to stay open to new remedies that may work for you!